Just a short report from our first stop - Maidstone, Kent, UK.
We'll be here until Saturday morning when we fly to Buenos Aires.
Our first flight went from Zagreb Airport, Velika Gorica, at the morning of 12th at 9:40 local time (I have to remind myself of the dates as often as possible or will lose track completely lol).
I was ringing all over the security check, before losing my belt, watch, compact camera and even it's carying case, and finally boots (guess they were "too metal" :p). What I was wondering about at the time though is why the guy in front of me was carrying an unpacked Canon EOS 1D Mark III with some expensive lens I was not able to detect but were surely also costing a small fortune (yes, we photographers are a bit looney hehe, but I know some of you reading this would drool over this camera... for the rest of you, let's say you could get a good used car for that price).
Anyway, I'm going off track now... he was not the only guy with a fancy camera, and he was a journalist. Turns out we were waiting for a plane next to our high jumping champion - Blanka Vlasic - who was just traveling to the Olympics in Beijing. Only she didn't use a low cost company like we did :p
Anyway, good luck Blanka, and get that Beijing Gold ;)
Now, back on track. 11:05 Luton Airport, London.
Kudos to Wizzair, plane flew on time and landed on time, and in what was probably the smoothest landing I've seen so far.
The good effect of this was spoiled a bit by having to wait in line for more than an hour at the "immigration counter", but the staff was in a good mood so it was ok in the end.
My cousin and my other cousin's husband (no, this will not turn into a mexican soap :p) met us at the airport and - since we were all starving by the time - took us to Burger King for a REAL burger (McDonalds should learn from them before calling something "big" mac).
Anyway, what followed is a 1-2 hour ride back "home" to Maidstone in which my instincts were trying to dodge cars coming in from the other direction driving on the "wrong" side of the street. Might have something to do with the fact I was sitting in what would've been the drivers position back home.
Maidstone is the capitol of Kent, the province southeast of London. It is actually quite a large town (300k+ pop), but it feels like a nice cosy British village, especially the part we're in.

First day we just had a little walk around town and had a chance to enjoy the famous "British weather". Everything you hear is true. The weather gods here are either bored or simply can't control their mood swings.
Lessons learned #1: Never leave home without an umbrella!
Lessons learned #2: Chocolate fudge cake is delicious!!! (I'll have to trust Marko on this one, at least until I try for myself (which will be first chance I get, considering his reaction). I did try fudge today, tastes good :)
First thing today we went to an old Maidstone cemetery, with first graves dating back before 1200's. Some of the tombstones are so old that the stone carvings have been worned out by time. In the moments between the drizzles, a few photos were caught:

After this, we paid a real quick visit to the Carriage museum:

This visit was interesting but quite short, as we had to run catch the bus to the Leeds Castle. That ride was likely the most impressive bus driving I've had a chance to witness. Streets here are narrow, and drivers a bit on the agressive side. Many close pass-bys, many bushes slapped beside the road, no visible scratches on the bus - that's got to be experience, not luck ;)
Arriving at the Leeds Castle:

The entrance ticket is quite expensive (15£), but is valid for an entire year, so if you're here more often it's actually quite a good deal. And a motivation for us to visit again ;)

On the Castle grounds, besides a horde of swans, ducks, peacocks and lambs, there is also an Aviary, a kiddie fort, a maze...

Lesson learned: don't leave home without a good windstopper jacket!
So much for today. Next two days are reserved for London, and then it's off to the distant lands...
Until next time...
hehe nice ovaj a kaj ste bili u onom najvecem labirintu na svijetu??
ak jeste onda ono cooooooool
a ovaj kolko cete cesto stavljat postove??????
sumnjam da je taj najveci :p
a sad, kolko cesto ugrabimo komp :)
do sad smo bili u civilizaciji ali za 2 sata krecemo u Buenos Aires i odmah busom dalje u sve manja i manja mjesta... cim nadjemo komp javimo se ;)
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